Beginners Guide on how to upload/push a project to GitHub in 5 mins!

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git. To understand GitHub, you must first have an understanding of Git. Git is an open-source version control system. Git is similar to other version control systems—Subversion, CVS, and Mercurial. Git was developed by Linus Torvalds and released in 2005 whereas GitHub was released in … Continue reading Beginners Guide on how to upload/push a project to GitHub in 5 mins!

How Load Balancing works?

A load balancer is a device that distributes network or application traffic across a cluster of servers Aim of Load Balancing Load balancing aims to optimize resource use, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any single resource. Load balancing improves responsiveness and increases availability of applications. How does Load Balancers Work? A load … Continue reading How Load Balancing works?

Beginners lesson on how to scale your Website?

So, what is Application Scalability? When your website gets too much traffic(requests per minute or queries per second) which makes the website process the requests slowly and sometimes results in crashing of the server on which it is running. To prevent failures and sluggishness add more resources on both hardware and software side that is … Continue reading Beginners lesson on how to scale your Website?

JavaScript: Converting a Callback to Promises

Callbacks For JavaScript to know when an asynchronous operation has returned a response (the response could be an correct result or error response), it points to a function that will be executed once that result is ready. This function is what we call a “callback function”. In a simple way, a callback is a function that … Continue reading JavaScript: Converting a Callback to Promises

Serverless Battle: Azure Functions compared to AWS lambda

Since the last 4 years or so the cloud computing has been a game changer in a number ways and the emergence of serverless computing/architectures has just solved many of the core computing problems. Serverless is about abstracting users away from servers, infrastructure, and having to deal with low-level configuration or the core operating system.  … Continue reading Serverless Battle: Azure Functions compared to AWS lambda

HTML 5 Form Validation with JavaScript, JQuery and Ajax

HTML Form validation is important part while building a website having form fields. The input fields need to validated and checked if there are null values. This post will show you different types of validation possible using Client side browser validation and using JavaScript. input "required" The required attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, … Continue reading HTML 5 Form Validation with JavaScript, JQuery and Ajax

JavaScript – Reading Excel file using node.js! Solved!

This post will show you how can you access the data in your excel sheet(.xlsx) file from your node.js code. Suppose this is our excel sheet: Here we are using an existing npm package known as xlsx. xlsx is a parser and writer for various spreadsheet formats. Installation: With npm: $ npm install xlsx Usage in node.js The above code … Continue reading JavaScript – Reading Excel file using node.js! Solved!

Test Automation: Running Cucumber feature files using Node.js

Cucumber.js is a Node.js library used for automation. Cucumber.js helps to test our site's features using pure JavaScript and the Selenium WebDriver. It is powerful library to setup your testing environment compared to java which requires you to install various packages and jars which seems to be hectic and takes time and sometimes prone to … Continue reading Test Automation: Running Cucumber feature files using Node.js